Sunday, March 20, 2011

Light Up Cereal Box at CES

So a lot of you probably wonder why I don't talk about CES or any of the gadgets you find there when I am supposed to be talking about new technology and sciences.  The answer is simple, for the last couple of years I noticed that the massive majority of CES shown gadgets are nothing more than upgrades or reinventions of what already exists.  And I am a major fan of doing it yourself, meaning, the more automated it gets, the less interest I have in it.  However, this year there are a couple of new things that actually seemed more appealing and a step into the future.

Light Up Cereal Boxes are one of those (  I know I know, "lol wut?"  But if you think about it, how cool would that actually be to reach for your cereal box instead of a flash light when the power goes out at night, haha.  Ok, I'm just kidding.  The reason I find this interesting is that electronics are becoming so cheap we can start integrating it into every day items.  Items as disposable as cereal boxes.  Even though there is nothing really special about lights on a box, the application for low energy lighting can be used on things such as t-shirts, posters, even cars.  Meaning you could buy a poster with a thousand images on it (or upload your own) and all you have to do is touch a small button to change the image, color, etc.  Or even on a car, imagine putting this material on a car (2007 Technology) and being able to customize your paint job daily without paying for those expensive paint jobs?  It just seems like a decent step to practical progression instead of the next great 3D television.  When TV is fully holographic and interactive, Ill give two hoots. 

The rest of the stuff at CES was fairly normal to see.  Short post today but I hope you found it interesting none the less. 


  1. Hmm, I imagine the day when cereal boxes are talking and animated advertisements in the store. You will have a motion comic or something built right into the box.

  2. Seriously I must have. Unless Tony the Tiger was some kind of pedophile, which I find likely. Then, not so much. Followed!

  3. Holy crap, that looks fucking awesome. Hope too see more. Followed.

  4. Interesting points you got there, followed

  5. You caught me. I did exactly 'lol wut.' Very cool read.

  6. Breakfast time just got whole lot more fun!

  7. light-up cereal? kinda sorta want

  8. ummm omg yes? that's awesome! followed!

  9. Good post man, I'll be following.

    Haha, the first comment on this made me afraid.

  10. daaamn, lolwut dude! following awesome post, also keep posting :)

  11. Astronomy, they actually tried that several years ago but found it was very difficult to make a decision/purchase with 40 different items yelling at you, lol. They moved on to the single screens at the end of each isle... Which I still find quite annoying.

  12. this is going on my wish list

  13. I would prefer having a non lit cereal box. haha

  14. interesting stuff mate! I'm following!

  15. lol seriously a light-up cereal box? whats next, speaking toasters and walking microwave ovens?
    *followed* btw

  16. Technology is really becoming something.
    Keep it up man.

  17. is holographic tv even possible?

  18. The future is now, my friend. Prepare the laser cannons!

  19. Lol, I actually thought about the light cereal box LOL.

  20. Interesting to say the least. What will we have in 10 years?! Following.

  21. Just another ploy to market sugary cereals to children. Not going to lie, it'd probably work on me.

  22. Omg. The cereal boxes are sweet lmao

  23. If I follow you will you actually keep me up to date in the world? 'Cause I tend to get left behind..

  24. Mmmm, light-up cereal, say no more!

  25. LOL, I like! Nice cereal boxes!

  26. Is it though? Really? I'm not sure I want to feel like I'm strolling down the Las Vegas strip every time i walk down a cereal isle. Now, pair this up with a cheap RFID (or whatever the new terms are now) and they will call your name out and show your face on the box!

    The throwaway culture thing crossed with massive ewaste concerns me. Are these battery powered? solar powered? Why are we wasting this on a cereal box?

    Man cyberpunk terrifies me. Every day science fiction creeps to science fact.

  27. I would pay lots of monies for this, so cool!
